Hello 2025!


Treasures Of Old


I often source and use old jewellery; recycling and making old stones into something new opens up new ideas for designs, ideas with history behind them and stories to tell. However, sometimes I come across things that are too lovely to take apart, that have an aura of their own that shines as a whole piece.

I have put together a collection of ‘Treasures of Old’ that are just too pretty to dismantle, and perfect for adding a touch of history to your treasure chest. Throughout my travels I have sifted through hundreds of pieces and have begun to hand pick the ones that catch my eye, creating a unique little collection that broadens the spectrum of jewellery that I can offer you. I have researched the design of each piece to try and uncover their histories and discover what eras they are from, but all other parts of their stories remain a mystery; only adding to the character of each treasure. This will be an ongoing, ever changing range so if you see something that you like, you ought to snap it up before someone else does! These are all one off finds that come in one size; a treasure you won’t be able to find again.

I fell in love with these unique pieces and I really hope you guys do to!

These beautiful jewels are the perfect gift for a loved one, especially if you’re planning a romantic proposal (it’s Valentine’s Day soon!), or just as a special treat for yourself. 
